
Advocacy and Public Policy

AGSSR advocates for policies that promote the interests of MSK radiologists and their patients. As a member, you can participate in advocacy efforts, and help shape public policy related to MSK radiology

Opportunities to Volunteer

AGSSR members have the opportunity to volunteer their time and expertise to help others. You can participate in community outreach programs, mentor other healthcare professionals, and make a positive impact on the lives of others

Professional Development

AGSSR membership provides you with opportunities for professional development, including continuing education courses, certification programs, and leadership training .

Recognition and Awards

AGSSR recognizes outstanding achievements in MSK radiology through awards and honors. As a member, you can nominate yourself or others for these awards, and gain recognition for your contributions to the field .

Access to Research

AGSSR members have access to the latest research in MSK radiology. You can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your field, and use this knowledge to improve patient care

Career Services

AGSSR membership provides you with access to career services, including job postings, resume reviews, and interview coaching. These services can help you find new job opportunities and advance your career